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Christian Distinctiveness

Our school has a distinctively Christian character and ethos which is central to our school vision statement. Our Christian values of dignity, hope, service, justice, love and forgiveness underpin all that we do inside school and how we treat each other. We put spiritual development at the heart of the curriculum. The Christian distinctiveness is explicit and implicit throughout school life, relationships and the curriculum. All members of the school community should experience Christianity through the life of the school, as well as through the taught curriculum.

Our school vision is based around the Christian belief that we are all 'made in the image of God'. This means that all pupils, staff and visitors are equally important and equally valuable in His sight.

Our understanding of the unique worth of every member of our school family, our local community and God's world, is central to all that we do at Horsell Junior.  It effects how we treat our children, our broad curriculum offer, our charitable works, and our commitment to developing our pupil voice.  We want every member of our school community to know that every person is made in the image of God: every person is valued and every voice counts.   

The content of our school curriculum has also been carefully designed to ensure that it reflects our values.  There is, for example, an emphasis on the environment (as we care for God's creation), and of putting learning within a wider context (so, for example, when learning about plants and flowers, children might also be asked to reflect on how flowers are used as symbols at times of mourning and celebration).  

Our Collective Worship draws on Christian teachings and beliefs whilst being mindful of children’s wider beliefs and non-beliefs. Worship is inclusive and delivered in a way that enables all members of the school community to feel able to be part of the experience, and all staff and children attend.  Collective Worship begins with a reflection on three key symbols;  the Bible (God's word) the Cross (Jesus) and the Candle (a symbol of the Holy Spirit).  Most worship has a time of reflection, prayer and song.  Assembly Ambassadors and House Captains sometimes lead the school, so that all members of our community feel part of this important aspect of our school's life, and members of our local 'Open the Book' team join us every week to enact a key bible story.  During lock down, Collective Worship went online and continued every day, via the school website.

Religious Education (RE) is treated as a core subject in Horsell C of E Junior School.

RE at Horsell Junior School is reflective, creative and thoughtful. Pupils make a well informed response to Christianity and respect those of all faiths (and none).  We follow the Guildford Diocese curriculum for church schools.  Christianity is the majority study in RE and this draws on the richness and diversity of Christian experience in the breadth of its Anglican and other denominational forms, and in the variety of worldwide forms.

Horsell C of E Junior School is an inclusive school.   We teach respect for different views and interpretations. Pupils are enabled to deepen their understanding of God as encountered and taught by Christians. They are also taught about other faiths and world views. We aim to foster an accurate and increasing understanding of world religions and world views, and we visit the local mosque as well as our local church. Children also benefit from guest speakers to enrich their lessons. As a result, pupils will gain greater insight into the world in which they are growing up. They will also be able to appreciate the faith of others and develop a deeper understanding of their own beliefs and practices. These outcomes must contribute to harmonious relationships within and between communities, promoting social inclusion and combating prejudice. 

Please follow this link for reading material related to 'Religious Education'.

St Mary's Church

Horsell Junior School has strong links with St. Mary’s Church, in Horsell.   Key events in the school calendar, such as the Easter service, whole school communion, Harvest, and the Year 3 Nativity, take place at the church.


We have a reverse advent calendar during this period of waiting and children are encouraged to donate items to local charities, including the York Road project, which supports the homeless.


We encourage the children at Horsell Junior School to carry out daily acts of generosity for Lent. The below website also has ideas for 40 acts of generosity for Lent to carry out within the family.

Open The Book

Weekly volunteers from St Mary’s Church lead Open the Book assemblies which dramatically recreate Bible stories for all the children. For more information see the below website