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British Values and SMSC

At Horsell C of E Junior School, we encourage pupils to respect the fundamental British values of democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty and mutual respect, and tolerance of those of different faiths and beliefs.

British values are reinforced regularly and in the following ways:


Democracy is embedded in our school.  Pupils listen to adults and are taught to listen, respectfully, to one another.  Pupils also have the opportunity to air their opinions and thoughts through our School Council, regular questionnaires, our Eco Committee, Play assemblies, and as Digital Leaders.  Our Year 6 children also stand for election as House Captains, where they are voted for by all members of their house team.  In November 2024 we will also be holding a whole school election to vote for a 'Headteacher for the Day.'

All of these school activities reflect our British electoral system, teach our children that their voice counts, and demonstrate democracy in action.

The Rule of Law

The importance of laws, whether they are those that govern the class, the school or the country, are consistently re-enforced.  All children know that they must be 'Ready, Respectful and Safe', and every class has their own 'Class Charter' which is agreed at the start of the academic year.  We also have a 'Play Charter', as part of our OPAL play project, to ensure that play times are fair and fun for everyone.  Through our PSHE curriculum and Collective Worship, our pupils are taught the value and reasons behind laws, that they govern and protect us, the responsibilities that this involves and the consequences when laws are broken.

Individual Liberty

At Horsell Junior, children are actively encouraged to make choices, knowing that they are in a safe and supportive environment.  As a school, we educate and provide boundaries for our pupils to make choices safely, through the provision of a safe environment and an empowering education.   Our pupils are encouraged to know, understand and exercise their rights and personal freedoms and are advised how to exercise these safely; examples of this can be seen in our e-safety and PSHE lessons.  Our OPAL playtimes also actively promote pupils' freedom to play and express themselves in ways that they want to, and our numerous extracurricular activities and participation in sport give children the freedom to challenge themselves and make choices.

Mutual Respect

Dignity is one of the core values of our school, and is embedded in all that we do at Horsell C of E Junior School.  Pupils know that we are all of equal value and worth.  Children know that it is expected and imperative that respect is shown to everyone, whatever differences we may have.  

Tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs

Our core values of dignity, hope, service, love, justice and forgiveness ensure that we have tolerance for those of different faiths and beliefs.  Collective Worship celebrates all the major world faiths, and our RE curriculum ensures that children learn about different beliefs, including humanism.  Visiting speakers means that children have a rich overview of a variety of different faiths.

Horsell Junior School actively promotes learning about different cultures.  We have a 'diversity' section in the library, and we continually review the texts that we share with children to ensure that they receive a culturally diverse experience when reading.  Many aspects of our curriculum - Geography, Art and Music, for example - help children to understand their place in a culturally diverse society.  Our Dove Award ensures that our children have a variety of different experiences, which opens their eyes to lives that may be very different to their own.


Horsell C of E Junior School aims to embed SMSC in all aspects of school life, from individual lessons to extracurricular activities, and our daily act of Collective Worship.  

Spiritual Development

Children are encouraged to be reflective about their own beliefs through daily reflection in Collective Worship, the use of our prayer space, and the opportunity to ask 'Big Questions' during class assembly time.  Children are encouraged to show enjoyment and fascination towards themselves and the world around them and reflect on this with imagination and creativity - through submitting artwork as part of a climate justice campaign, for example.

Moral Development

Teachers plan opportunities for children to explore the difference between right and wrong, and the consequences of their actions.  They learn to respect the law and are encouraged to understand and appreciate the moral and ethical viewpoints of others.

Social Development

Children are encouraged to work well with children in their class and in school.  The 'buddy' system encourages strong bonds between the youngest and oldest children, and the use of talk partners means that children learn to get along with all members of their class.  Children are taught to resolve disputes through the use of restorative justice, and encouraged to form bonds outside the school - through visiting local OAP homes, for example. 

Horsell Junior School places a strong emphasis on good manners, so children are encouraged to respond politely to adult greetings, hold open the door, and welcome visitors to their classrooms through the classroom greeters system.  

British values, democracy, the rule of law, mutual respect, liberty and tolerance are promoted with children being encouraged to make a positive contribution to modern Britain.

Cultural Development

Children are encouraged to develop an interest in exploring different faiths and cultural diversity.  We teach them to show understanding towards others in their local, global and national communities.

The school's Dove Award ensures that all children have a shared cultural experience.  By the end of Year 6, children have a knowledge of the parliamentary system of core British values and history and are given opportunities to participate and respond to artistic, sporting and cultural opportunities.