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The Dove Award 2024- 2025

At Horsell Junior School we are always looking at ways in which we can further enrich the lives of our children.  We want our children to thrive - physically, emotionally and spiritually.  We place great emphasis on PE and physical activity, and we work hard, along with parents, to look after our children’s emotional health, through the use of zones of regulation and our PSHE curriculum. 

Spirituality is about giving children a sense of ‘awe’ and ‘wonder’ and looking beyond the ‘here and now’.  It is not about a particular faith or religion.  We want all of our children to have a sense of awe at the world in which they live, and give them a sense that their voice matters and that they can make a difference.   Horsell Junior School has a ‘DOVE’ award for all of our children, and we anticipate that all children will achieve their award at the end of each academic year.  The award will look at ‘mirrors’ (asking children to look inside themselves), ‘windows’ (allowing children to experience awe and wonder) and ‘doors’ (enabling children to respond and act upon things that matter).  All of the activities that the children need to complete will be done in school or organised by the school.

To achieve their award, our children will complete the following activities:











Dove Award Year 3

Put a question in the ‘Big Question’ pot

Attend a classical music concert

Visit a place of worship

Learn a prayer off by heart

Lead a reflection during class assembly time

Write and perform a piece of music

Participate in a performance (Nativity)


Participate in ‘hot seating’

Memorise a short script and perform it in front of an audience

Donate something as part of the school’s Advent calendar appeal

Do 30 random acts of kindness


Dove Award Year 4

Put a question in the ‘Big Question’ pot.

Attend a theatre performance

Visit a place of worship

Learn a reflection off by heart

Lead a prayer during class assembly time

Write and perform a piece of music

Participate in a performance (Easter)


Participate in a conscience corridor

Memorise a short script and perform it in front of an audience

Donate something as part of the school’s Advent calendar appeal

Do 30 random acts of kindness


Dove Award Year 5

Put a question in the ‘Big Question’ pot.

Visit an Art gallery

Visit a place of worship

Learn a prayer off by heart

Lead a reflection during class assembly time

Write and perform a piece of music

Participate in a performance (Harvest)


Memorise a short script and perform it in front of an audience (all years)

Donate something as part of the school’s Advent calendar appeal

Do 30 random acts of kindness

Take part in a debate


Dove Award Year 6

Put a question in the ‘Big Question’ pot

Visit a cathedral

Perform as part of a production

Learn a prayer off by heart

Lead a reflection during class assembly time

Write and perform a piece of music

Be a buddy for another child

Write a persuasive letter about a local issue that is important to them

Memorise a short script and perform it in front of an audience

Take on an area of responsibility

Prepare a meal for someone else

Donate something as part of the school’s Advent calendar appeal

Do 30 random acts of kindness