Equipment List
- A SMALL bag (no large bags as they do not fit on pegs or in lockers). There is a school bag which parents can purchase from our uniform suppliers
- Filled, and named, water bottle
- A break time snack (fruit or vegetables only). Please be aware we are a nut free school. No biscuits, sweets or chocolate.
- Children should bring a pack of colouring pencils, in a pencil case, which will remain in school. No other stationery equipment is required.
- Small labelled headphones (for computer work)
- An old shirt to be used in art activities and to be kept at school
- A swimming costume and swimming hat when they have swimming lessons.
The school provides all day-to-day stationery resources, such as whiteboards pens, pencils, rulers and so on. This is to ensure consistency of presentation across the school.