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The vision of Personal Social and Health Education (PSHE) is that the children in Horsell Junior School will become caring, respectful and confident individuals. The provision of PSHE in our school allows all children to develop a range of skills and strategies to live healthy, safe, happy and fulfilling lives and we link our values curriculum with our PSHE teaching. This enables our children to grow and develop as individuals and as members of families and wider communities. This is done by:

  • giving children the knowledge to make informed decisions about life choices
  • equipping children with the skills to help cope in difficult situations and knowing how or where to seek help
  • learning through involvement in the life of the school and the wider community
  • providing opportunities to reflect and identify on what they have learnt
  • supporting positive mental wellbeing and being mindful
  • making cross curricular links to enhance the learning experience
  • creating a safe learning environment where children are able to share thoughts and feelings
  • providing age-appropriate relationships education
  • giving opportunities to work individually and collaboratively to discuss and reflect on ideas addressed
  • celebrating success in and out of school

Horsell Junior School is committed to equipping our children with the tools to live in modern Britain and teaches all aspects of the statutory Relationships and Sex Education Curriculum.  

Horsell Junior School uses the Kapow curriculum to deliver its PSHE programme. Each half-term, all year groups' work is based on the same theme.  PSHE is taught weekly. 

Additional PSHE lessons may be added into the school timetable to deal with specific issues that may arise throughout the school year.