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At Horsell Junior School, we love writing! Through careful selection and planning of units that are linked to high-quality texts, short videos or real-life purpose, children develop into effective and purposeful writers who write with the reader in mind.

By the end of Key Stage 2, Horsell children will gain a coherent knowledge and understanding of a range of genres and themes to confidently write for a range of audiences and purposes. The children will be equipped to take risks with their writing, explore a range of writing styles and to develop their process of writing. Children will have a passion for writing independently and enjoy trying to engage the reader through their choice of vocabulary and literary devices and grammatical skills. By studying quality texts, children will be inspired to develop their voice as a writer. Children will understand the impact their writing can have on the reader and will use their ability to write to connect with the reader, writing with the reader at the centre.

At Horsesll Junior School we follow The Write Stuff Scheme by Jane Considine. The children use the Writing Rainbow to help organise their ideas through lenses. The children explore writing for a range of genres, audiences and purposes. Some of our lessons consist of experience days which unlock the children's creativity and support them in their vocabulary. All units culminate in a final piece of independent writing – this is the children’s best work and should reflect all the skills that they have learnt over the course of the unit, including opportunities for self-reflection and editing to improve their work.

A Horsell Writer is:

  • A writer who communicates effectively with their readers.
  • A writer who has clarity and cohesion in their writing.
  • A writer who engages their reader through use of grammatical terms and descriptive language.
  • A writer who has a passion for reading and writing.
  • A writer who connects with their readers.
  • A writer who takes risk with their writing.
  • A writer who explores a range of genres and purposes.
  • A writer who understands the process of writing (planning, writing, editing, drafting)
  • A writer who uses a wide range of vocabulary effectively.
  • A writer who writes with the reader at the centre.
  • A writer who is proud of their ability to write.