The Horsell Curriculum
Our Curriculum Vision ('intent')
At Horsell C of E Junior School we provide a ‘rich and inclusive education’. We believe that we all have unique, ‘God-given’ gifts that must be nurtured to their full potential in a broad and exciting curriculum.
Our learning is built around great literature*, carefully chosen to reflect the rich diversity of faiths, beliefs and backgrounds of all members of our school family. Through our knowledge-rich curriculum, we aim to bring learning to life and inspire our children to become enquirers, risk-takers, collaborators, problem solvers and compassionate guardians of God’s precious world.
What does this look like in the classroom?
1. School values (dignity, hope, justice, service, love and forgiveness) threaded through curriculum and planning choices
2. Inspiring, diverse, challenging and enriching literature used as a stimulus for learning across the curriculum
3. The use of quality resources, to invoke awe, wonder, fun and enjoyment
4. Well-prepared, carefully considered lessons with strong subject knowledge at the forefront
5. Frequent revisiting of previous learning to ensure all children know and remember more
The Horsell Learner is:
The Horsell Curriculum area of the website shows you the knowledge and skills that your child will be learning during their time with us for all subjects in the National Curriculum. Our whole school overview gives an overview of what is taught and when it is delivered.
Click on the links for each subject area to find out about the key skills your child will learn from years 3 - 6. Each subject area also elaborates on the intent, implementation and impact of each subject.
Knowledge organisers can also be found in each year group area and these break down each subject into the key knowledge that children need to know, remember and understand. Knowledge organisers are used in lessons and are an effective tool for you to use to support your child's learning.
Every Friday morning, pupils engage in retrieval activities to revisit previous learning, and to further ensure key knowledge is embedded in their long-term memory.
We measure the impact of our curriculum in the following ways:
- KS2 outcomes in national tests
- School attainment and progress measures across all subjects, reported to parents in 'snap shot' reports and at the end of the academic year
- School attendance
- Pupil voice, surveys and pupil conferencing
- Subject leader monitoring
- Engagement in extra-curricular events and progress through the school's Dove Award
Horsell Junior School uses the KAPOW curriculum to teach Music, French, History, PSHE, Geography, Art and DT. NCCE Teach Computing to deliver our computing curriculum. Our Early Reading Phonics programme is taught through Rapid Phonics and our English is taught through Jane Considine's Hooked on Books for reading lessons and The Write Stuff for our writing lessons. PE is taught through the PE Planning curriculum. All of these schemes ensure a clear progression of skills across the key stage.
* To find out about our reading spine, please scroll to the English section of our website.