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  • 15/11/23

    Hope - Value Newsletter, Monday 13th November

    This half term, our school value is Hope. In collective worship, we have been discussing what this word means and the difference between a hope and a wish.   
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  • 09/11/23

    Weekly Focus, Thursday 9th November 2023

    Please find attached a copy of our latest newsletter, with details of some of our upcoming events.
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  • 02/11/23

    Weekly Focus newsletter, Thursday 2nd November

    Please find attached our weekly newsletter, which has a lot of information in it this week, including details about next week's Climate Justice Exhibition, our Cut Your Carbon challenge, Year 5 music workshops and performance, an update following our Harvest collection, several PTA events and mu...
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  • 13/10/23

    Mufti Day for Harvest, 31st October

    On 31st October, children and staff are invited to wear mufti (non uniform clothing) to school.  If you are able to, please bring one of the below items for our Harvest Collection.  These items will be donated to Woking Foodbank. Please note uniform must be suitable for school.  Fo...
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  • 13/10/23

    Weekly Focus, Thursday 12th October 2023

    Please find attached our weekly newsletter.
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  • 05/10/23

    Weekly Focus and Online Safety Newsletter, Thursday 5th October

    Please find attached a copy of our newsletter, with details of upcoming events and more.
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  • 28/09/23

    Weekly Focus, Thursday 28th September

    Please find attached our newsletter, with details of an upcoming author visit, a poetry competition and open mornings and more.
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  • 14/09/23

    Weekly Focus, Thursday 14th September 2023

    Please find attached our weekly newsletter.
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  • 07/09/23

    Weekly Focus, School Values and Online Safety newsletters

    We were delighted to welcome our students, old and new, to Horsell Junior this week.  Please find attached our weekly newsletter, which contains a number of reminders for the coming term.  
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  • 13/07/23

    Weekly Focus, 13th July 2023

    Our newsletter this week includes important information about our last week, including the Leavers' Fete, to which all children are invited, our celebration evening and more.
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  • 07/07/23

    PTA Summer Fair featured in Woking News and Mail

    The fabulous PTA summer fair was featured in Woking News & Mail this week.  Photos from the fair show a wonderful atmosphere and sense of community.
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  • 07/07/23

    Weekly Focus newsletter - please read for important updates!

    Our newsletter this week has a number of updates, including about staffing for next year and about "meet the teacher" day next week.  There are also a number of reminders and information about end-of-year arrangements.
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