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  • 08/02/24

    Year group newsletters

    Each half-term, a newsletter is sent to the parents in each newsletter, celebrating the learning over the last half-term and setting out our plans for the coming half-term.
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  • 01/02/24

    Weekly Focus, Online Safety Newsletter and Online Safety Webinar

    Please read our weekly newsletter to find out about our inter-house spelling competition, the year 4 Roman day and our early help offer.
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  • 25/01/24

    Weekly Focus, Thursday 25th January

    Read this week to find out about or uniform sale on Saturday, how year 6 immersed themselves in history on Tuesday and all about our OPAL Play open afternoon and projects.
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  • 18/01/24

    Weekly Focus, Thursday 18th January 2024

    This week, find out about our OPAL donation mornings, as well as the stamp and milk bottle tops being collected for charity!
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  • 11/01/24

    Weekly Focus and Online Safety Newsletters

    Please find attached our weekly newsletter, with an update on Apple classroom, forest school and our mobile phone policy.  You will also find out information about our OPAL play donation requests.
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  • 14/12/23

    Year Group Newsletters

    Please find below our Year Group newsletters, where we have summarised what the children have been doing in school over the last half term, as well as setting out our plans for when we return in January.
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  • 14/12/23

    Horsell Heroes

    Horsell Junior certainly has talent!  Please read our newsletter to find out about the many and varied achievements in and outside of school this half term.
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  • 13/12/23

    Christmas jumpers, lunch and Panto.

    We had great fun at school today.  Children - wearing festive jumpers - enjoyed a traditional Christmas dinner, followed by a hilarious Pantomime version of A Christmas Carol.  
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  • 12/12/23

    SIAMS Report 2023

    Please click here to read the full report.
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  • 30/11/23

    Weekly Focus, Thursday 30th November

    In this issue, we launch our reverse advent calendar and this years' Christmas post box.
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  • 16/11/23

    Weekly Focus, Thursday 16th November

    Please find attached our weekly newsletter, with reminders about upcoming events as well as  news and information we hope you will find useful.
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  • 15/11/23

    Hope - Value Newsletter, Monday 13th November

    This half term, our school value is Hope. In collective worship, we have been discussing what this word means and the difference between a hope and a wish.   
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