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Pupil Premium Strategy


1. Horsell Junior School will develop a culture within a Christian ethos where children are specifically taught about Growth Mindset and developing resilience in learning.

2. All children eligible for additional support will be identified by half-termly meetings between year group staff and the assessment leader/SENCo and support and challenge provided to ensure progress.

3. Progress will be monitored by half termly pupil progress monitoring meetings with year group staff and the assessment leader and SENCo.

4. High expectation will be set through Quality First Teaching for all pupils.

5. Opportunities will be provided for vulnerable children to make progress by supporting access to enrichment activities and afterschool clubs/homework clubs.

6. Children and families will be supported by the Home-School Link Worker to access services provided by other agencies and advice given where to find support.

7. Parents will be provided with advice and support through parent workshops on how to support learning beyond school.