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Weekly Focus and Hope Newsletters

It was lovely to see so many members of the Girl Guiding and Scouts Associations wearing their uniform to school on Monday for Remembrance Day.  Mr Stevenson gave a special assembly, where he explained to years 3, 4 and 5 about the significance of Remembrance Day and finishing with a 2 minute silence at 11am.  Year 6 went to Woking High and joined their pupils in marking the day. 

Election season is upon us at Horsell Junior, for both adults and children.  We have had many votes for the new Parent Governor, and we look forward to appointing the new governor next week.  In year 6, the children have been learning about democracy.  To bring this to life, they formed 17 small groups, or parties, with a leader they hope to have elected to be “headteacher” for the day.  After four rounds of hustings this week, year 6 pupils have voted for their favourite 4 candidates.  These will be running campaigns over the next couple of weeks, after which all pupils in the school will get to vote for who they think will be best at running the school!

As I write this, I am listening to the choir practising Christmas carols, ready for a number of performances across the next month.  The PTA are also busy preparing for the annual Christmas Fair, one of the key fund raisers of the year, so do please support them if you can.

Do read on to find out all about what we have coming up next week, a new way to report absences and to hear how we got on at our half-term football touranment against twin town, Plessis-Robinson.

Please read also our school value newsletter; the value we are focusing on this half term is hope.