1 For a complete look at our school admission policy please visit: www.horsell-junior.surrey.sch.uk/admissions
2 WELCOME FROM THE HEAD TEACHER At the heart of our village, Horsell C of E Junior School is a very special place to learn. As a church school, we combine a commitment to Christian values with high academic aspirations and we strive to provide each and every child with a rich, inclusive and exciting curriculum. Being part of the Horsell school family is a privilege and I am immensely proud of the achievements of our children and the dedication of our staff. We have very high expectations of what each and every pupil can achieve, both in the classroom and in the many varied enrichment opportunities that we provide. Alongside this, we encourage all of our children to think of others before themselves. This is demonstrated in the excellent behaviour and manners of our children, and their commitment to our school values of dignity, service, love, hope, justice and forgiveness. This prospectus will show you the many opportunities and resources that are available to all of the children who attend our school. If you require any further information, please do not hesitate to contact us. With very best wishes Mrs Wand Headteacher
3 At Horsell C of E Junior school we believe that we are all ‘made in the àú«ÖÆ ăÕ .ăÁǔƹ ©ÜĖăħÖÜ « commitment to Christian values and high academic aspirations, we strive to provide a rich and inclusive education for every member of our school family.
5 W E A R E ‘MADE IN THE IMAGE OF GOD’ We believe that everyone – pupils, value in the eyes of God. As a Christian school we are ‘servant- hearted’ in all that we do. Horsell C of E Junior School is located at the heart of Horsell village, Woking. As a church and community school we strongly believe that every single member of our community is of equal value and worth. This ethos permeates everything that we do. We work hard to foster excellent relationships - built on mutual trust and respect - between teachers and children, staff and governors, leadership and teachers, and parents and staff. Jesus himself is often referred to as a ‘servantking’ and we aim to live out this message as we work and learn together.
6 W E D E M O N S T R A T E ‘CHRISTIAN VALUES ’ Our Christian values are the glue that bind us together and make the vision come alive. �hey make our school, ‘our school’. We aim for our values to be known and understood by all members of our community. Our school community comes together every to celebrate Collective Worship. Every half term our Collective Worship concentrates on one of our six core values – dignity, hope, love, forgiveness, service and justice. We relate our values to key events in the school year, such as Lent and Christmas, and encourage our children to consider how our values can be demonstrated at home, at school, in our village, and in the wider world. day
7 W E H A V E ‘HIGH ACADEMIC ASPIRATIONS ’ We are passionate about our drive for academic excellence for all because we know that academic success opens doors to a brighter future.
8 At Horsell C of E Junior school we have high expectations of what each and every child can achieve in the classroom. Our results in national tests – SATS – are above the national average and we are rightly proud of the results that our Year 6 children attain. We achieve our excellent results through using a variety of engaging teaching techniques. Small group teaching within the classroom ensures that children are given targeted support when it is required. H O M E W O R K Junior school is an excellent time to develop children’s increasing independence and prepare them for secondary school. Homework is just one way that we do this. Homework is set every week and the quantity of homework set gradually increases as the children move through the school. A S S E S S M E N T Ongoing assessment is carried out as part of daily teaching practice. This is in addition to more formal methods of assessment, which include Maths and English written tests, which are performed regularly throughout the year. Each term every child’s progress is formally reviewed and interventions are put into place if required. Before each parent consultation a ‘snap shot’ report is sent out to parents indicating present attainment, targets and the next steps required for these to be achieved. Children are rewarded for excellent attainment and effort throughout the year through the award of school merits, which are presented in celebration assemblies every half term. Children are also entered for local and national competitions and lesson planning ensures that all pupils are challenged. T H E S C H O O L D A Y The school day is from 8 40am – 3 10pm. The school gates open at 8 30am and children go straight to class where early morning learning activities are set out for them. O F S T E D Our school was one of the first schools in the local area to be inspected under the revised OFSTED framework, so parents can be confident that their child is receiving a high quality of education when they come to us. The school was awarded a ‘good’ grade in January 2020, and our school staff are continually striving to provide the very best education for every child in our school family. ‘Leaders and teachers want the best for their pupils. �hey have high expectations of what they can learn and how well they can behave.’ O F S T E D 2 0 2 0 ‘Pupils enjoy learning…Pupils are conscientious and enjoy the opportunities they are given to discuss their ideas’ O F S T E D 2 0 2 0
9 W E P R O V I D E A R I C H ‘EDUCATION’ their full potential in a broad and exciting curriculum. At Horsell Church of England Junior School we are passionate about providing all of our children with a broad curriculum which allows each and every child to shine. Our timetable ensures that children develop skills and knowledge in subjects as diverse as History and DT, and each class teacher leads a subject. Subject reports are posted onto the school website every year, alongside curriculum overviews and knowledge organisers, so that parents can keep up-to-date with what is happening in the classroom. We have 90 chrome books across the school. We also have a set of 30 school IPads which to further enhance pupils’ learning curriculum. are used across the
10 S P O R T Sport is an intrinsic part of the Horsell Church of England Junior School identity – we strive to be ‘elite’ without being ‘elitist’. Children are taught dance, games, basketball and swimming, and they develop sports skills such as ball handling and control. The school has cricket nets, a covered swimming pool, outside gym equipment and much more. Alongside our PE and games teaching, we have a large number of sports clubs as part of our extra-curricular provision. All pupils are expected to participate in house sporting competitions and our most able children compete in local and county competitions. In 2023 we were netball and cricket county champions. Pre-pandemic our school was awarded the Sports Gold Award for two consecutive years. This award recognised our excellent provision in this area of our curriculum. M U S I C There is a strong tradition of music making at Horsell C of E Junior School. The school has a choir and school orchestra. Renowned local musicians supplement our core offer through composition workshops and additional performance opportunities. We have a room and we tutors. Many of our children learn an instrument and we have an annual music concert where children are encouraged to showcase their talents. We have links with the High School and perform with them as part of important local events. A R T Alongside the art that is taught as part of the National Curriculum, children are encouraged to showcase their art work in competitions and on the school’s online Art gallery. We also regularly display our artwork in Guildford Cathedral. T R I P S Pupils in Year 4 and 6 go on a residential visit as part of our enrichment programme. All children attend a wide variety of day trips during their time with us, including trips to Wisley and the Haslemere Museum. T H E O P A L P � A Y P R O J E C T At Horsell C of E Junior school we believe playtime is a vitally important part of the school day. Our children spend over an hour a day in the school playground. Research shows that play contributes to children’s physical and emotional health, well-being, approach to learning and enjoyment of school. Playtimes at Horsell Junior school are varied and engaging. Children are given a wide variety of different ‘loose’ parts to play with, alongside a climbing wall, football table, gym equipment and much more. Regular play assemblies celebrate children’s playtimes and give the school community an opportunity to discuss play. ‘Lessons capture pupils imagination’ O F S T E D 2 0 2 0 purpose-built music practice have a large number of visiting instrumental
11 W E A R E ‘ INCLUSIVE’ High quality education is a right for all, no matter where you come from or who you are.
12 All children are treated as individuals at Horsell C of E Junior School and all of our children are cherished. Teachers use different teaching styles and resources and scaffold the learning to cater for the various ways children learn. This is called ‘Quality First Teaching’ and is something that all schools must provide for children. At Horsell Junior we offer different types of ‘out-of-class’ support for our children, such as EAL support for pupils with English as an additional language, reading support and maths interventions. We have an additional ‘Interventions teacher’, based in Apple classroom, for children who benefit from a smaller class size and more adult support. For pupils requiring support with their emotions, we offer the ELSAprogrammewhich is delivered by TAs who have been trained to deliver the programme. We also have a weekly visit from a school counsellor who can provide support for children with more complex emotional needs. These sessions take place in our ‘Nurture Room’ which is separate from the main building and provides a calm and relaxing environment for our children. Strong links with the local church mean that we are also able to run a mentoring programme for some of our children, and we have a ‘young carers’ group which is supported by local volunteers. Bringing up children can be difficult and sometimes parents and families may need a little additional support. Our SENCO is trained to liaise with families to ensure that everyone in our school community gets the help that they need. W R A P - A R O U N D C A R E : B R E A K F A S T C L U B A N D A F T E R - S C H O O L C L U B NT Sports operate the ‘Rise and Shine Breakfast’ club which offers early morning childcare provision onsite. The club starts at 7 30am. For further information visit the NT Sports website www.ntsports.co.uk The Horsell Village After School Club is organised and run by a committee of parents and runs onsite from the Redwood classroom.
13 W E A R E ‘ FAMILY ’ As members of a family, we care for one another. We have a strong emphasis on consideration for others, respectful behaviour and good manners. Horsell Church of England School is a caring place to learn and work and we foster a sense of love and belonging amongst our children. When our children arrive in Year 3 they are allocated a Year 6 ‘buddy’ who helps them to settle in and introduces them to junior school life. Our House system is another way that children form relationships and friendships outside of their class. In the first term, each child is placed in one of four houses – Clandon, Hatchlands, Loseley and Polesdon - which is represented by a colour. House points are awarded for children aiming for their personal best in all areas of school life and the Year 6 house teams put on House assemblies for the children in their house. ‘Pupils show care for one another.’ O F S T E D 2 0 2 0
15 HORSELL C OF E JUNIOR SCHOOL M E A D W A Y D R I V E , H O R S E L L , S U R R E Y , G U 2 1 4 T A ( 0 1 4 8 3 ) 7 6 1 5 3 1 O F F I C E @ H O R S E L L - J U N I O R . S U R R E Y . S C H . U K W W W . H O R S E L L - J U N I O R . S U R R E Y . S C H . U K